If you cannot get to an Optician on your own, we can arrange for our optometrist to undertake a private eye examination in your home using specialist portable equipment.
We can adapt the sight test if you have limited mobility or if you struggle to communicate or understand, e.g., if you have had a stroke, Parkinson’s, dementia, or have learning difficulties. Please contact us for pricing.
A sight test checks whether you need glasses or contact lenses to help you see better. Having the right glasses or contact lenses can often increase your independence and improve your well-being and can even help prevent falls.
But a sight test is also an important eye-health check and can sometimes detect signs of underlying general health conditions, such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Everyone should have a sight test every two years, or more often if your optometrist recommends it.
Our Optometrist will assess what you can see (distance and close vision), usually using specialist charts of symbols or letters.
They will carry out a series of tests using different lenses to work out whether you need glasses or, if you already have glasses, whether your prescription needs changing.
They will also look at the inside and outside of your eyes to check they are healthy.
Occasionally, the optometrist may need to put drops in your eyes to get a better view of the back of your eye. Sometimes it may be necessary to check your peripheral (side) vision using special equipment,
and you may also be offered an eye-pressure test. These tests can help detect treatable eye conditions such as glaucoma, which may go unnoticed if you don’t have regular sight tests.
After your sight test, the optometrist will talk through the results with you, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have. Your optometrist will tell you if you need glasses and you will be able to choose them from the selection that the Optometrist carries with them. Once the glasses have been made, they will be delivered back to you or they can be collected from our practice in Great Barr or Sheldon.